Wednesday, November 4, 2009


location : my basement 
mood : sick, yet excited
music : whatever is on the radio at the moment
other : day OO1.

greetings everyone, i'm most obviously jenelle, but feel free to call me jen, really. i've decided to start a  blog, although i don't know where exactly it will go. i tend to neglect things but i will do my best, loves. it's likely to be focused on fashion, but it could include anything really. probably some music, and just thins about my life. i'll try not to bore you too much. this blog is most probably going to include photography too. so my three favorite things, fashion, music and photography. i plan on being a journalist in the fashion industry, and i suppose this is a perfect way to start my career, despite the fact that i am only fourteen and will not be having a career at any time in the immediate future. still, i'll do my best on this here blog, ye olde blog shall be ye favorite, yes? this is a terrible first post but i feel the need to atleast get it up. 


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