Monday, November 16, 2009


location : my basement, as usual

mood : upset, excited, frustrated.

music : nothing at the moment,

other : i got a 100 on my health?

hey you guys, sorry it's been so long <3 i've been sick, and tired, and just too lazy to go to the trouble to post. you know i love you though(: anyways, still no reply from which i'm pretty upset about but maybe i just have to patient, something i am definitely not. continuing -- i have goodgoodgood news! my laptop is currently in the shop being all fixed up. it's set us back 200 dollars but thankgoodness. i can finally get my pictures, and my music, and my documents and the speed back. i am so excited it's insane. hopefully it will be back by the end of this week, beginning of next and you guys will have bunches of pictures from me and some of the amazing things i've bought. i wish my dad would let me get a job, but i guess that it's because he worked at such a young age or something like that. alright you guys and gals, I NEED YOUR HELP. i am in search of the perfect pair of boots. i recently got these amazing zealand audes which i love, but i need some dressier boots cuz the holidays are coming.

something that size / height but i want the top more like:

do you see what i mean? well, i'd love your help so just go ahead and comment. i'm also in a search for long-sleeved shirts because at the moment i have none, and i'm tired of sweatshirts because then wearing my leather jacket too makes me look kind of bulky in parts. and i adore my leather jacket. well, i'm off to get a bit of excercise, clean and organize my binders for school. oh and study for a huuuuuge french test tomorrow!


1 comment:

  1. I like both styles of boots. I can't wait to see more of your posts! xo ava
